Wednesday, January 12, 2011


We were sitting on a beach one day (like everyday) and we got to talking about how much our life has changed, even in such a short amount of time.  We have grown accustom to such a different way of living and we are loving every minute of it.  We thought we would share......

a perfect day

 - constant dirty feet - the dirt somehow manages to become a part of your skin, it does not wash off
 - wearing dirty clothes - lift, smell, make a decision
 - laundry day is exciting - no need for the lift and smell portion of your day
 - dogs everywhere - they are all so sweet and need homes, its hard not to adopt one
 - watching where you step - snakes (yep, this happened), spiders, sharp everything, dog crap etc

 - new bugs - we know that they are just going to get bigger and weirder as we go
 - smelly bathrooms - they are unavoidable
 - mosquito bites - we hope they're mosquito bites
 - army ants - found at any garbage can leading a hundred feet away

 - dust and sand - in your ears, in your food, in your bed, imagine it - it gets there
 - uneven sidewalks - our calf muscles are doing well and so is our balance
 - flip flops - flip flops equals happiness
 - joys of a good hot shower - we've stayed extra days when we have found this
 - drinkable water - always easy to get but we can appreciate water out of a tap now

offroading to the beach

 - food everywhere all the time - whether it be a guy with a tray or baked goods out of a pickup truck
 - music - musicians everywhere - the beach, street corners, outside your door
 - topes (speed bumps) - nasty, random things, big, small no rhyme or reason to them - they just appear
 - amazing fruit and vegetables - fresh and tasty, often we don't know what we're eating
 - spicy foods - take a bite and hope its okay (hot dog with unexpected habanero peppers)

she told me to flip something in the kitchen

 - spanish - we are proficient at talking to two year olds (okay, maybe not)
 - visual overload - we can walk down the same street ten times and always see something new
 - constantly being surprised - tigers in cages driving ahead of us on the road, etc etc etc

on the hunt for internet - why are we at the beach looking at the ocean

In the past fifty days we have had ear aches, sun blisters, endless itchy mosquito bites, sunburns.  We have peeled, been pile drived into a sandbar while bodyboarding (guess who), and have had sand rash.  We would not change a thing.  Even when things go wrong everything else is still so right.  Everyday is new and memorable - and we have only just begun.

even Anna weighs in on the route


  1. It makes my day when I read your blog:) You guys are living the dream. You would not believe the insane winter you left behind - you and mom had the right idea!!

  2. I am so happy to have my computer back, I have missed following you. Its hard to think about all the snow in edmonton, not as warm here as you have it,
