Tuesday, November 30, 2010


After having a great visit with Justins family, it was time to hit the road.  We drove out of the snow back up into the snow and then down, down, down into the Fraser Valley and then there was no white stuff just green grass.  It was another white knuckle drive, we found ourselves laughing in fear with a 2690kg bobsled on a runaway - we made it down only using the brakes three times. Yikes!!

one of the many runaway lanes we had our eyes on
honey how can you see through that

Yet again the scenery was amazing, its so picturesque!

Today was border crossing numero uno.  It went way better then expected, they didn't say, "Pull over to your right Sir." which was fine by us!  Entering the states was another milestone.

We both love Washingtons twisty, turny, slow roads.

washingtons scenic back roads

when the carrier just won't do

damn back seat drivers

We ended our drive today taking a ferry to avoid the dreaded interstate 5,  its all slow roads now until Los Angeles.  All and all a very good day!!

our first view of the ocean


  1. the pictures are beautiful, i just cant believe the amount of snow. Nice to hear your voices.
    Hope your day tomorrow is an easy one.

    Love Mom

  2. so no update today, whats up with that!
    Went to Greenland Nursery today, it was beautiful, cant believe its been there just next door & I never knew, almost made me in the mood for Xmas.
    Hope you had a good day.

  3. Now that you're in the US, when do you get to pick out a weapon?

  4. Not worried anymore as I got the reply from you about survivor, just thinking your a bit bored about sending the pictures, but your followers & fans are emailing me wondering where you are...............they are a bit like your Mom, not to sure about this blog, you have a lot of people that are following you........just not communicating

  5. Sorry don't need any weapons. I already have six pounds of hell fury
