Friday, March 4, 2011


We were suppose to be here for three days to check out the beaches but as fate would have it the Land Rover decided otherwise, again.  So we have been trying to make the best of it - not hard.

uuummmm cereal again 

Our days begin with Justin making coffee in the parking lot of the hotel on a camp stove.  Then we sit on our balcony drinking coffee, people watching and then we ask each other, "what do you want to do today?"  Its always one of two things, take a bus into town or go to the beach.  Every once in a while we mix it up and do both.

After the big breakdown and realizing we were going to be here awhile, we knew we had to watch our money.  So at first we were making all our own meals, but with only a fridge, our culinary delights consisted of cereal, sandwiches and cheese & crackers... we couldn't stand it anymore!  So every night we hunt for a new restaurant and food to try.  We've had Chinese Mexican, Japanese Mexican, Italian Mexican and Mexican Mexican food, along with many cerveza to swallow it down.  Going out to eat has become our favourite part of the day.

jalapeno burger

we can't help ourselves

bean soup for Nadines birthday

Justin laughed when he saw my plate coming

finally, chocolate cake

Manzanillo has been good to us.  Lots of shops to check out, food to try, streets to wander and endless empty beaches.  When planning our trip we were going to try and avoid expensive cities but as for a place to break down in, its not to shabby.  The only thing is were not really meeting as many people here, most people here are on package vacations so they don't frequent the same spots we do.  Oh well, its still all good!

our hotel at the end of the block


  • buying an insane amount of phone cards
  • for good luck, Justin shaved off his goatee
  • Nadine was stung by a bee
  • saw a lady get hit by a car (we think she's okay)
  • countless jellyfish on the beach
  • went to the museum of perversion - very creepy, most pictures are R rated
  • going to Walmart for the air-conditioning
  • had 2 cockroaches on our balcony
  • ants in the bathroom - every time we go in, an army of them is slaughtered 
  • we have been here so long that all of the lightbulbs in our room have burnt out
  • we have one english channel on TV, and all it plays is Ugly Betty, Ghost Whisperer and Nora Roberts mini series (we are learning Spanish from the subtitles though)
  • bus rides that you wish you had motocross equipment on
  • taking your life into your own hand when crossing the street - they don't stop
  • finally after a very long search the proper oil has been found for the diff

view from our room

jelly fish

look Craig, we found more reeses and rum and coke in a can

As for a current update on our broken rear end, after many different solutions fell apart, we now have a brand new diff and True Trac built and as I write this we believe it is being shipped from the UK.  There seems to be light at the end of the tunnel.  This will not shorten our trip, we will just need to move through Mexico a little quicker than expected.

anybody got a f@cken diff around here


  1. Hey Nadine......holy shit, were you hungry when you placed your order at Senor Sushi. I didn't see you eat that much food for the entire week we spent together.

    Rum and Coke in a can....that has to be the coolest. You need to stash a can for me, for maybe DHL one to me. Could be the most expensive high ball I've ever ordered.

    Dude....whatever you do, don't step on any jellyfish. Chris stepped on one when we were in Hawaii and that hurt like a bitch. The bottom of the foot is a fairly sensitive area.

    Hey, at least Lorraine doesn't have to ask you to shave off the goatee when you get back Senor Hustin.....and no folks that wasn't a type-o.

    Keep living the dream...loving that view from your balcony. That's gold baby.

  2. haha that plate is wider than you are Nadine. doggiebag...

    Cant wait to see you back on the road. Justin you could have machined those parts already...but no hurries no worries. You will be back up and running in no time

    The Briar is in full swing this week. You know who is watching with us... :)
    keep us posted. Lets see some pictures of the locals there!! :) I imagine a guy sittin under a sombrero and a rotten tooth smile...see if you can find that guy and take his picture! lol

  3. Hey Rod,
    They wanted to give that plate to Justin when they came to the table and Justin waved him off and the waiter kind of laughed at me too. It was actually really, really good.

    We'll keep a look out for that guy, we've already seen him a number of times already!! and his uncle and his brother!!!!

  4. Your camera is taking amazing pictures, I like your galary of pictures, but I am a bit confused, they seem to be a bit mixed up?
    just a bit of frustration I detect on your face Justin!!!
    What was that food Nadine..some kind of fish I am thinking?
