Sunday, November 20, 2011


eastern California 

It didn't take long before we were able to shed layers of clothes and replace our shoes for flip flops. Needless to say, we were very happy with our decision to head back to the ocean.  What was hard, was turning north, the desire to turn south was very, very strong.

elephant seals

We basically followed the same route that we were on at the beginning of the trip, just in the opposite direction.  Can't say we did very much, we drove a lot and enjoyed the scenery.  We also ate a lot, we gorged ourselves on fresh seafood everyday.  I think we both may of put on a pound or two.

We had forgotten about the roller coaster roads with the sheer drop offs.  The only good thing was that we were on the hillside instead of the cliffside.  Still, my eyes were closed every time we came up to a sharp turn.  After all of the driving we have done on this trip, we are both in agreement that highway 101 in California is the most scenic/terrifying road we have driven.

close eyes and click picture

cat nap

By the time we arrived in Oregon, we had to start putting on the layers again.  We started accelerating through the seasons fast at this point.  Summer, than bam - fall and now, winter.

the Redwood Forest

We had a short two day stop in Seaside, Oregon.  We stayed in one of our favorite hotels of the entire trip. This is where, a year ago we really started to feel like our adventure had begun and by the time we left this cute little town we knew it was almost over.

a tiny kitchen, the last time we did dishes was August!

stormy seas

But alas, so close to home, after we made it to less than an hour to the Canadian border..........................


1 comment:

  1. Need to do an 8 by 10 of this picture of Anna, its an amazing picture
